
Overcoming Barriers to Interdisciplinary Education

Interdisciplinary education in palliative care has traditionally been limited by a number of factors but if these barriers are managed in true team fashion over time they can be overcome. Click here for a list of barriers and solutions.


Developing the iCOPE Curriculum

The interdisciplinary team (IDT) is one of the core elements of palliative care. This schema depicts the components or domains addressed by the interdisciplinary team when providing quality palliative care. The eight domains were identified by the National Consensus Project (2009) in developing guidelines for palliative care practice.

iCOPE Learning Objectives

Specific learning objectives for all students during their iCOPE experience are comprehensive and will be accomplished through various learning activities and experiences. The NCP domains drove 5 curriculum learning objectives as listed in the Learning Map below.

iCOPE Learning Map

For a downloadable version, please click here.

Introduction Video

In this video Dr. Pfeifer introduces the iCOPE curriculum to learners. (Please disregard references to pre and post evaluations. The evaluations were a part of the research phase of iCOPE.)

Below is a flow chart that depicts student movement through the curriculum including approximate time commitments.
Suggested Student Activity Map (PDF)